Over-engineering my website with Kubernetes

A solution in need of a problem Like all good sysadmins, my personal website has been a ‘coming soon’ splash page for quite some time. According to the Wayback Machine, it’s been this way since some time in 2014. As I’m sure many can sympathise with, there are always far more interesting and shiny things to be experimenting with than building a website. One of the interesting things I like to experiment with is Kubernetes (as should be apparent from the tag cloud)....

March 18, 2018 · 2 min · Simon Weald

Deploying Kubernetes on VMs with Kubespray

All the choices So you’re looking to start using Kubernetes, but you’re overwhelmed by the multitude of deployment options available? Judging by the length of the Picking the Right Solution section to the Kubernetes docs, it’s safe to assume that you’re not alone. Even after you’ve made it past the provisioning stage, you then need to learn how to administrate what is a very complex system. In short; Kubernetes is not easy....

August 9, 2017 · 9 min · Simon Weald